One More Thing...
Students are expected to have with them notepad /
binders, pen/pencil, and any other material they receive in class. There will be periodic tests, homework (incl.
reading) and a final exam. These classes, while relaxed in style, are college courses and will require the student to apply
him/her self to their studies.
There will be coffee available and occasional snacks
during the class. You are welcome to bring water but please limit your drinks to that, thank you. We also ask that each
student be prepared physically as well as spiritually for the class so you receive all that is available. Both classes
are designed not only for education but also for transformation. It is our intention that ANSM be a school where anyone who
is eager can be effectively trained, imparted into, equipped and released into their particular field of ministry. So, let's
go for it!
Students are allowed to miss up to three classes and
still pass the class. If there are more than three absences, they will run the risk of receiving an Incomplete grade. There
is also a Dean of Students available to assist the students in the various needs they may have. We are here to walk with the
students through their time with us in order that they might fully benefit from this experience. We hope to see you at ANSM!